Other publications

  1. Maarten Maurice and Generalized ordered spaces at the Vrije Universiteit , with Jan van Mill.
    In De eigenwijsheid van wetenschap en geloof (Essays in gedachtenis aan Maarten A. Maurice).
    VU Uitgeverij, Amsterdam 1996.
  2. Papers on general topology and applications.
    Proceedings of the 10th Summer Conference held at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, August 15--18, 1994.
    Edited by Eva Coplakova and Klaas Pieter Hart.
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 788.
    New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1996. xii+227 pp. ISBN: 0-89766-964-9
    MR: 98f:54005
  3. Proceedings of the 12th Summer Conference on General Topology and its Applications.
    Held at Nipissing University, North Bay, ON, 1997.
    Edited by Robert C. Flagg, Klaas Pieter Hart, Jeff Norden, Edward D. Tymchatyn and Murat Tuncali.
    Topology Proceedings, 22 (1997), Summer.
    Topology Proceedings, Auburn, AL, 1997. pp. i--iv and 1--608.
    MR: 2000g:54002
  4. Wiskundeweek in de Wetenschappelijke Scheurkalender 2003 van het blad Natuur en Techniek (week 32, van 4 tot en met 10 augustus).
  5. Encyclopedia of General Topology Edited with Jun-iti Nagata and Jerry E. Vaughan.
  6. Special issue of Topology and its Applications
    Edited by Eva Coplakova, Robbert Fokkink and Klaas Pieter Hart
    Volume 152, Issue 3, Pages 175-318 (14 July 2005)
  7. Een Knagende vraag.
  8. Solution to Problem 10733: Partitioning the Interval into Closed Sets, The American Mathematical Monthly, 107 No. 6 (2000), 573.
  9. Solution to Problem 10979: Simple Discontinuities, The American Mathematical Monthly, 111 No. 7 (2004), 630.
  10. A problem from Katowice, Machazine 18 (3) (March, 2014) 28–29. (Christiaan Huygens)
  11. Wiskunde in de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda antwoorden op en opmerkingen over wiskundige vragen in de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda
  12. Mathematics in the Dutch Science Agenda answers to and remarks on mathematical questions in the Dutch Science Agenda; some answers and comments can also be found at the website of Geek Girl Authority
  13. Solution to Problem 11833: Uncountably Many Discontinuities, Again, The American Mathematical Monthly, 124 No. 1 (2017), 90–91.
  14. What is `Finite'?, Machazine 21 (3) (April 2017) 36–37. (Christiaan Huygens)
  15. Drie stukjes op de website neerlandistiek.nl
  16. In memoriam Mient Jan Faber met Riekus Kok, Teun Koetsier, en Jan van Mill.
    Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 23, nummer 4, (2022), 229–233

Last modified: woensdag 07-12-2022 at 21:27:03 (CET)