4.25 Al-Salam-Carlitz II

q-Meixner Al-Salam-Carlitz II.

The Al-Salam-Carlitz II polynomials defined by (3.25.1) can be obtained from the q-Meixner polynomials defined by (3.13.1) by setting in the definition (3.13.1) of the q-Meixner polynomials and then taking the limit :

Quantum q-Krawtchouk Al-Salam-Carlitz II.

If we set in the definition (3.14.1) of the quantum q-Krawtchouk polynomials and let we obtain the Al-Salam-Carlitz II polynomials given by (3.25.1). In fact we have

Al-Salam-Carlitz II Discrete q-Hermite II.

The discrete q-Hermite II polynomials defined by (3.29.1) follow from the Al-Salam-Carlitz II polynomials given by (3.25.1) by the substitution a = -1 in the following way :

Last modified on July 7, 1998