0.5 The q-binomial theorem and other summation formulas

One of the most important summation formulas for hypergeometric series is given by the binomial theorem :


A q-analogue of this formula is called the q-binomial theorem :


For with n a nonnegative integer we find


In fact this is a q-analogue of Newton's binomium


As an example of the use of these formulas we show how we can obtain the generating function (1.3.12) for the continuous dual Hahn polynomials from the generating function (1.1.12) for the Wilson polynomials. From chapter 2 we know that

where denotes the Wilson polynomial defined by (1.1.1) and denotes the continuous dual Hahn polynomial given by (1.3.1). Now we have by using (0..4.6) and (0.5.1)

which implies the desired result.

In a similar way we can find the generating function (3.14.11) for the quantum q-Krawtchouk polynomials from the generating function (3.6.11) for the q-Hahn polynomials. First we have from chapter 4 :

where denotes the q-Hahn polynomial defined by (3.6.1) and denotes the quantum q-Krawtchouk polynomial given by (3.14.1). Further we have by using (0.4.9) and (0.5.3)

which leads to the desired result.

Another example of the use of the q-binomial theorem is the proof of the fact that the generating function (3.10.25) for the continuous q-ultraspherical (or Rogers) polynomials is a q-analogue of the generating function (1.8.24) for the Gegenbauer (or ultraspherical) polynomials. In fact we have, after the substitution :

which tends to (for )

which equals (1.8.24).

The well-known Gauss summation formula


and the Vandermonde summation formula


have the following q-analogues :





On the next level we have the summation formula


which is called Saalschütz (or Pfaff-Saalschütz) summation formula. A q-analogue of this summation formula is


Finally, we have a summation formula for the series :


As an example of the use of this latter formula we remark that the q-Laguerre polynomials defined by (3.21.1) have the property that

Last modified on July 15, 1998