Welcome to the home page of

Erik Koelink

My full address is

dr H.T. Koelink
Technische Universiteit Delft
Faculteit Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica (EWI)
Afdeling Toegepaste Wiskundige Analyse
Postbus 5031
2600 GA Delft
the Netherlands

The visiting address is

HB.04.030, Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft

Telephone:    +31 15 2783639
Fax:          +31 15 2787245
You can contact me by email at h.t.koelinkSPAMFREE@tudelft.nl (remove SPAMFREE).

You can find information on the following subjects


Nederlands Mathematisch Congres 2006, 27, 28 maart 2006, TU Delft.
Foto impressie Nederlands Mathematisch Congres 2006


Short description

My research concentrates on special functions, and in particular on q-special functions, and their relationship to other mathematical structures like (Lie) groups, (dynamical) quantum groups, Hecke algebras, and non-commutative geometry. At the moment the special functions are one-variable basic hypergeometric series like Askey-Wilson polynomials, q-Racah polynomials and their subclasses, as well as q-analogues of the Bessel function, and Askey-Wilson functions. Tools that are being used are representation theory, spectral analysis, operator algebras.


I am an editor of Constructive Approximation 

Coauthors and coworkers

Jacob S. Christiansen, Nicola Ciccoli, Paul Floris, Wolter Groenevelt, Gert Heckman, Mourad Ismail, Tom Koornwinder, Johan Kustermans, Yvette van Norden, Mizan Rahman, Hjalmar Rosengren, Jasper Stokman, Rene Swarttouw, Walter Van Assche, Joris Van der Jeugt, Jan Verding.

Long term visitors

PhD students


Recent papers and preprints







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Colleges 05/06

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